Recommended workouts for avid cyclists
Workouts for building endurance:
Rolling hills (duration: 0:55, AVG: 66 % FTP, MIN: 55% FTP, MAX: 75% FTP): A shorter session, this one’s designed to improve low- to mid-range power delivery. It’s optimized to turn the heat up on your fat burning and carbohydrate consumption. Keep your cadence in a comfortable range.
Variables Endurance (duration: 1:45, AVG: 65% FTP, MIN: 55% FTP, MAX: 70% FTP): While designed to increase your endurance, the pace here does vary. You’ll still stay within your endurance zone, but during parts of the ride, you’ll go a bit faster or a bit slower, which minimizes the monotony.
Race Fitness simulation (duration: 1:15, AVG: 76% FTP, MIN: 55% FTP, MAX: 96% FTP): Here, sweet spot/tempo intervals will help you develop power output at your race pace. This workout is optimized with muscle activation and lactate metabolism at your FTP in mind. You’ll want to vary your cadence within your suitable range.
Workouts for building performance:
Strength build up (duration: 1:05, AVG: 72% FTP, MIN: 45% FTP, MAX: 86% FTP): The focus here is on your cycling-specific strength through a variation in cadence. The neuro-muscular coordination in the muscle, and between different muscles, is an important part of your power output. Keep your cadence in a comfortable range, say, 80-90 rpm. For the interval bouts with higher intensity, lower your cadence to 60-70 rpm.
Cherry on Top (duration: 53:30, AVG: 67% FTP, MIN: 45% FTP, MAX: 95% FTP): Boost your performance with a workout that combines tempo and sweet spot intensity levels. Intervals at 80% and 90% FTP will help strengthen your endurance and pacing skills to excel on climbs and at the front of the peloton. This is all complemented by a short cherry at the end of the intervals.
Recommended workouts for hobby cyclists
Workouts for getting back into riding shape:
First Pyramid Workout (duration: 31:00, AVG: 65% FTP, MIN: 50% FTP, MAX: 90% FTP): This easy, fun-to-ride plan will have you working in four different zones. It’s designed to help you learn to tackle different slopes of the hills at the same cadence.
A Taste For Higher Intensity (duration: 30:00, AVG: 66% FTP, MIN: 55% FTP, MAX: 100% FTP): The intensity here is higher – but not too high. This one’s a great way to prepare your body for structured intervals. And at just a half an hour, it makes a great way to finish your work week and get ready for the weekend.

Workouts for building endurance:
Rolling hills (duration: 55:00, AVG: 66 % FTP, MIN: 55 % FTP, MAX: 75 % FTP): This session is designed to improve low to midrange power delivery. The aerobic intensities vary in order to optimize aerobic fat and carbohydrate consumption. Keep your cadence in a comfortable range.
Tempo cruisin (duration: 47:30, AVG: 75% FTP, MIN: 50% FTP, MAX: 89% FTP): If you’re a pacing enthusiast who likes to pull the group along and constantly pick up the pace, this workout is for you.