At 40+ km/h, riding on wet cobbles is anything but relaxing. So what do we mean by staying relaxed? The trick is to not tense your muscles and joints when you’re getting hit by cobbles. Gain momentum and let your bike float under you. Have you ever watched jockeys during a horse race? Riding on cobbles is very similar. Relax your fingers, elbows, and hips, and let the bike do the hard work.
It takes one overreaction to cause your front wheel to lose traction on grimy cobbles. Remember, you should let your bike float under you. Instead of arms, try steering your bike gently with your hips and core. Don’t fight your bike when things get dicey. The more you trust your bike and treat it gently, the more forgiving it will be.
There is a very popular saying among motorbike riders: look where you want to go. Over-focusing on objects and obstacles can lead to overreactions or complete freeze-ups. If you concentrate on every cobble that sticks out, your mental power will be consumed and you will make costly mistakes. Instead, lift your head up and look where you want to go. All the immediate small obstacles will be handled by your bike and muscle memory, keeping your brain calm and focused.