Thanks to all the Rouviers and CADEX brand fans that joined from home the 1st “LOVE TAIWAN with CADEX Cycling騎愛台灣”virtual series earlier in July, everyone had enjoyed the cycling fun together with the Taiwanese athletes and the influencer Stars!
To continue its passion of promoting cycling culture with ROUVY, this time again, CADEX Cycling has organized the 2nd “LOVE TAIWAN with CADEX Cycling 騎愛台灣” campaign scheduled from September to October. Along with Taiwan’s famous routes, this time, several global classic climbing spots are to be shared by the whole community. The broader course choices include Mt. Ventoux in France, the Arabba-Passo (from Giro d’Italia) route and more from the endless library of immersive ROUVY’s augmented reality locations.
CADEX Taiwan’s partners that will join the series’ rides include:
Date / TW time zone / Ride Leaders
Sep 1 (Wed) | 19:00 Yi-Lan Cycling Team
Sep 2 (Thu) | 19:00 Action Cycling Team
Sep 4 (Sat) | 7:00 am Paggy/Fanny/Mandy
Sep 5 (Sun) | 7:00 am Paggy
Oct 6 (Wed) | 19:00 Yi-Lan Cycling Team
Oct 7 (Thu) | 19:00 Action Cycling Team
Oct 9 (Sat) | 7:00 am Paggy/Mandy/Queena
Oct 10 (Sun) | 7:00 am Paggy/Olivia
Besides the series’ official rides, there will also be regular weekly rides organized for every Tuesday, during the duration of the campaign as the official campaign grouprides/races’ warmup, for everybody to join together.
For EACH group ride/race, there will be 3 x ROUVY 6-Month subscription vouchers and 5 x CADEX*ROUVY collab limited edition design T-Shirts as lucky draw prizes.
Registration for the LOVE TAIWAN CADEX events is free and open HERE.
Riders are invited to ride together indoors to get stronger, to be able to later ride together outside and enjoy the sunshine at the front of the peloton!
About CADEX Cycling and GIANT Group
Based on continuous scientific research, CADEX produces top-performing cycling parts including but not limited to road and aero wheel systems, tires and saddles.
Truly “Giant”, the company group holds a portfolio of great brands such as Giant, Liv, CADEX and MOMENTUM. Driven by its philosophy of “Inspiring Adventure” and non-stop innovation, the group is ready to provide you and your family with all that is needed for professional competition or the leisure biking option for next weekend.
[Traditional Chinese]
第二波“LOVE TAIWAN with CADEX Cycling騎愛台灣”活動 來啦!
由CADEX與ROUVY再次共同舉辦9月~10月 ”騎愛台灣 數位騎乘系列活動 ”,用 居家騎乘來凝聚台灣騎士的精神及延續台灣的自行車文化,而ROUVY最特別的是能模 擬真實的3D騎乘環境,並同時看到週邊一起騎車的朋友,真的超級好玩的。本次加入 了幾條國外的騎乘路線,都是知名的傳統指標路線,相信大家都不陌生環法的Mt.
Ventoux,環義超高人氣的Arabba - Passo,當然還有台灣的塔塔加、霧社-清境、日 月潭環湖路線,更讓全球的車友欣賞台灣千姿百態的山林,更從3D畫面中觀看雲卷雲 舒的自然風光,趕快約一下神隊友一同上線挑戰這些具有國內外代表性的自行車景點 ,就讓我們9~10月細細品嘗這些山道的姿態吧! 騎士們拿出我們的運動魂,和我們一起展現台灣騎士的精神! 而9~10月系列活動 完全免費,每場完騎再抽ROUVY 免費會員6個月(3名),CADEX*ROUVY 紀念T SHIRT(5件),歡迎您一起加入虛擬的真實世界。
活動時間及參與領騎、賽事的CADEX Taiwan合作夥伴:
09/01(三) 台灣時區 19:00 宜蘭自行車培訓隊
09/02(四) 台灣時區 19:00 前勁洲際職業車隊
09/04(六) 台灣時區 07:00 大使Paggy、大使Fanny、大使Mandy
09/05(日) 台灣時區 07:00 大使Paggy
10/06(三) 台灣時區 19:00 宜蘭自行車培訓隊
10/07(四) 台灣時區 19:00 前勁洲際職業車隊 10/09(六) 台灣時區 07:00 大使Paggy、大使Mandy、大使Q老師 10/10(日) 台灣時區 07:00 大使Paggy、大使Olivia 除了上面的正式官方活動騎行外,我們還規劃了每週二晚點固定的ROUVY團騎活動, 可以從下方找到相關的報名鏈接,歡迎您呼朋引伴一起來備賽,讓自己的體能更上一 層樓,同時參與團騎認識更多新車友!