
6/21/2024 Mark Nessmith

Maximizing your cycling performance: The ultimate guide to power-to-weight ratio

By understanding and optimizing your power-to-weight ratio, you can enhance your cycling performance, tackle challenging terrains with confidence, and achieve your personal best on the bike. Whether you're a competitive racer or a dedicated enthusiast, focusing on this key metric will unlock new levels of efficiency and speed.

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1/1/2024 Vladimír Podkamenský

Rim Brakes vs. Disc Brakes: Cyclist's Guide

The Ultimate Guide To Rim Brakes vs. Disc Brakes: The debate between rim and disc brakes is a central topic in cycling communities, impacting bike performance, maintenance, and safety. This guide aims to provide a comprehensive understanding for both casual riders and serious cyclists, helping them make an informed decision.

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11/12/2023 Danny Holman


Cycling is an exhilarating, rewarding and eco-friendly way to stay healthy, connect with the wider world and get around town. But while there are many benefits, there are also some risks involved. Whether you are a seasoned cyclist or a beginner, it’s crucial to prioritize your safety every time you hit the road. Cycling is a great way to get some exercise, but it can also be a potentially dangerous activity that requires appropriate safety measures to ensure your well-being.

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11/7/2023 Aya Sinay

Women in endurance sports

Endurance sports, such as cycling, triathlon, running, etc. demand a high level of physical fitness and stamina. While men and women can both excel in endurance sports, it's important to recognize that the anatomical and physiological differences between males and females that can be associated with sports performance. Biological differences of the sexes should be taken into account in the training prescription and in relation to the optimization of the loads and recovery.

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