2 Feb - 16 Mar

Winter in Mallorca

Head to the cycling paradise of Mallorca for some winter training.

Huerzeler as a partner

Your next cycling experience awaits you

Thanks to the new partnership between Rouvy and Huerzeler, the most beautiful Huerzeler cycling tours are available on Rouvy for the first time from mid-October 2024, as well as regular guided group rides.

Improve your cycling skills

Climber's training plan

Improve your climbing by building strength through torque on the pedals to help you keep a constant tempo on long and steep climbs.

Increase your FTP with Lidl-Trek

Improve your FTP with the guidance of the Lidl-Trek Cycling Team professionals. Follow this four-week plan to boost your performance. Give it a go, and get a virtual Trek Émonda for completing the plan!

Win great prizes


Complete any of the Mallorca Challenges for a chance to win a week's CUBE Agree Di2 rental in Mallorca.

3x Huerzeler Jersey + socks

Complete any of the Mallorca Challenges for a chance to win a Huerzeler jersey and matching socks.

From our blog

Ride the Island: Unlocking Mallorca's Best Winter Cycling Routes for Training

As winter begins to wind down, cycling training in Mallorca offers numerous benefits for cyclists of all levels. With its mild climate and stunning landscapes, Mallorca is an ideal training ground for enhancing fitness while enjoying the fantastic views! Training during early winter not only helps build the endurance necessary for the upcoming cycling season but also allows you to escape the colder weather found in other parts of the world.

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